My husband and I are so very grateful to have met Maureen and ultimately to have her attend the birth of our daughter. When we found out we were pregnant we began doing a lot of research about birth options as well as traditional natural birth practices. Although we were not dogmatic about natural birth, we felt that it was ultimately in the best interests of our baby's health, IF we could manage it. With Maureen's help, we were able to have the birth we planned for-- one free of drugs, trauma, and one that was also very fast. Birth is rarely easy but Maureen offered incredible moral support, pain coping assistance and physical support during the birth our our precious daughter-- all of this made it much easier than it would have been otherwise. Maureen was also a great resource in information for all matters we were researching in preparing for the big day. Maureen is very gifted in the art of the doula-- but she is also an kind and loving soul! We highly recommend working with Maureen-- she helped us have the birth experience we set out to have and we don't think we could have done it without her!
From the moment Maureen walked into my home at approximately 4 in the morning, she was ready to support my husband and I through my labor. She set her purse down and immediately walked over to me and began giving me words of encouragement and her body to lean on during a contraction. I was in the early stages of labor, but felt more like I was in active labor. I was having contractions that had a bit of a pattern to them. What I did not know was that I would be dealing with a labor that was progressing slowly and would not have my baby for 3 days. Maureen stayed by my side the whole time, only leaving when I told her she needed to go home for a break and check on her own family. She returned each time with a smile on her face and was ready to do what she needed to help me get through. We smiled and laughed through a lot of it, and genuinely had a good time as the hours progressed. I am so thankful to Maureen for everything she did. The massaging of my back, the words of encouragement she offered, her shoulder to literally lean on, and ultimately the friendship she provided to me. I know that if my husband and I decide to have another baby, and we were to use the services of a doula, Maureen would be the woman I choose for the job.